Help My Unbelief!

"Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind. You're tethered to another and you're worried all the time."                                                          - Brandi Carlie, The Mother


I've realized that being a parent is both one of the most fulfilling and most terrifying things in life. I get such joy watching my son discover the world around him, and my heart melts every time he wants to cuddle with me.

But sometimes I feel a panic rise up within me.

What if he gets seriously injured?

What if he is kidnapped?

What if he dies?

I do everything I can to push those thoughts away from me but the tiny bit that seeps through to my mind is enough to send me into panic. As a Christian, I know the advice I would get from others is to pray and trust God to keep things from happening to him. I get that, but terrible things still happen to people who pray. 

I do trust God and pray daily for my son. I still worry about him.

I think this is why one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Mark 9:23-25. A father asks Jesus to heal his son if he is able. Jesus replied that anything is possible if a person believes. Immediately, the father cried out, "I do believe, but help my unbelief!"

I ask God to help my unbelief all the time! I am trying to learn how to balance my faith and my constant worry about my child.

Am I alone in this? I don't think I am.

What about you, dear parents? What do you do when anxiety about your child's wellbeing threatens to overtake you?