Spiritual Direction
Your life story is sacred. It is filled with moments of longing for God, times when God feels distant, and experiences that leave you questioning or in awe.
A spiritual director is a trusted companion who helps you recognize God's presence in all aspects of life—your questions, crises, career, relationships, life transitions, fears, insecurities, joys, and grief.
Spiritual direction is not counseling or advice-giving. Instead, it is a hospitable, listening presence that invites you to notice, discern, and respond to God's movement in your life.
What Happens in Spiritual Direction?
As the directee, you bring your life stories, questions, or beliefs into a space of deep listening and reflection. Your concerns don’t need to be overtly spiritual—because everything is spiritual. A spiritual director creates a safe and welcoming space, asking thoughtful questions that help you explore your relationship with the Divine.
Spiritual direction is not about fixing problems but about growing in awareness of God's presence and deepening your personal spirituality.
What to Expect in a Session
Spiritual direction sessions typically take place once a month for one hour. While every director has a unique approach, a session may include:
A Centering Practice – A reading, meditation, prayer, or moment of silence to begin.
Sacred Space Markers – Some directors light a candle, anoint with oil, or use chimes or bells to signify the sacred time.
A Conversation Led by You – The directee (you) guides the session with what is on your heart and mind.
Deep Listening & Reflection – The director listens attentively for God’s movement in your story, asking intentional or clarifying questions.
Each session is unique—some are filled with deep emotions, while others unfold slowly and thoughtfully. The director’s role is to remain fully present, guided by spiritual wisdom and deep listening.
Is Spiritual Direction Right for You?
If you are longing for a deeper awareness of God’s presence in your life, spiritual direction may be a meaningful step on your journey. Whether you are in a season of questioning, transition, healing, or growth, this sacred practice offers guidance, support, and space to listen to your soul.
Interested in learning more or scheduling a session?
“ “Sometimes we need a guide, a director…who helps us to distinguish between the voice of God and all other voices coming from our own confusion or from dark powers far beyond our control.” ”
Fully Inclusive
Although I come from a distinctly Christian tradition and spirituality, my spiritual direction practice is centered on meeting each person where they are in their concept and experience of God. I work with all people with different religions, belief systems, races, genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations.