The Fulton Cycle is exactly the bike you need, at precisely the moment when you need it.
Hey lady! I see you. You feel that you are created for something more. You feel a quiet discontent deep within your soul and you long to feel more connected with God.
You are exhausted. From the time of waking up until the time your head hits your pillow, you are racing around fulfilling your adult responsibilities (work, kids, PTA meetings, cleaning, cooking, doctor appointments, paying bills, etc.). You may even squeeze some exercise into your day because you know it’s good for you. You may long to spend time cultivating a relationship with the Divine, but let’s face it…it is much more easier to veg out in front of the television to enjoy mind-numbing entertainment that doesn’t require you to use energy that you don’t have.
You think God is disappointed with you.
You try to be a ‘good wife,’ but your spouse divorces you anyways and/or cheats on you.
You try to be a ‘good mom,’ but you lose your cool as your child throws tantrums in the grocery store.
You try to be a ‘good Christian,’ but you aren’t submissive, gentle, trusting (you have lots of doubts), or straight.
You try to stop consuming drugs, eating emotionally, or buying things, but you can’t bare to feel the inner pain that threatens to overtake you.
You want to improve your life, but you are so depressed that you can barely get out of bed in the morning.
You try to trust God with everything, but you’re filled with anxiety.
How am I going to pay my bills? How do I keep my kids safe?
You feel disgusted with yourself.
You never asked to be sexually assaulted.
You never asked to be abused by your significant other. You know it would be best to leave the relationship, but you find yourself going back time and time again.
You’ve gained weight so you now find yourself avoiding people you know so that they don’t see how you look.
Your believe you are unworthy, unlovable, too much, not enough, and an epic failure.
Trust me, I understand completely.
I, too, desired a closer relationship with God. I felt I was created for something more and had a calling on my life.
But my exhaustion, limited beliefs, fears, others’ expectations and trauma kept me from connecting with the Divine. I thought God was disappointed with me, and I was covered in guilt and shame.
Once I realized how God truly thinks of me, everything changed!
I know that you have probably heard a million times that God loves you. But this is only head knowledge, not heart knowledge. God’s love only becomes life-transforming heart knowledge when we personally encounter the Divine Presence in our vulnerability.
However, we can only have the courage to face unpleasant aspects of ourselves when we feel fully loved and have the assurance of safety. We gain this courage as we soak in the love of God.
God is head-over-heels in love with you! God loves you recklessly and extravagantly – just as you are. Your exhaustion, fears, limited beliefs, and trauma don’t reduce God’s great love for you, not in the slightest!
Allow yourself to be loved unconditionally. It’s only when we accept ourselves – warts and all- and dare to show ourselves in all our vulnerability to God that true transformation takes place.