Do you desire to reflect more intentionally on God’s presence in your life?

Do you struggle to connect with God in the midst of daily life?

Do you want to explore what you believe about God?

Do you want a safe, attentive, and prayerful companion with you on your spiritual journey?

In its essence, spiritual direction is about entering into sacred space on a regular basis (usually once a month) with a trained and discerning companion who helps you notice God and your response to God in your daily life. It can be a place where you wrestle with core questions about God, explore what you believe about God, or experience the consolation of paying attention to God’s presence in your daily life in an intentional way.

Spiritual direction is for everyone- not just for clergy or devout folks. If you’re in the process of deconstructing your faith, spiritual direction can be immensely helpful. If you’re going through a vocational change, a spiritual director can help you sift through all of the emotions and questions that come up in that process. If you just want someone to check in with about how your walk with the Divine is going, spiritual direction is for you.

Fully Inclusive

Although I come from a distinctly Christian tradition and spirituality, my spiritual direction practice is centered on meeting each person where they are in their concept and experience of God. I work with all people with different religions, belief systems, races, genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations.


Let’s Connect!

“In spiritual direction, you reflect deeply on the experience of your daily life. Gradually, as you contemplate, you may begin to recognize God’s presence and grace in your life. You may come to realize how God’s spirit is truly with you every day and everywhere. You discover that God has been waiting for you to seek this closer relationship.”

Christy Messick, MDiv

Certified Spiritual Director